
Ayasdi-CEO Gurjeet Singh in den Technologie-Beirat von HSBC berufen


Ayasdi-CEO Gurjeet Singh in den Technologie-Beirat von HSBC berufen

Global bank’s new board to advance capabilities in Artificial Intelligence, biometrics, blockchain and data science

MENLO PARK, CA—Jan. 17, 2017—Ayasdi, a leading developer of machine intelligence software, announced that Ayasdi CEO Gurjeet Singh has been appointed by HSBC, a global bank with assets under management of more than $2.5 trillion, to its newly-created Technology Advisory Board. Singh, a co-founder of Ayasdi, is the author of numerous patents on artificial intelligence, machine learning and topology.

Singh joins high-profile innovators from global companies including eBay, Ripple, Token, Transmit Security and Spark Capital on the new HSBC technology advisory board. The board will leverage HSBC’s global infrastructure and culture of innovation to meaningfully contribute to digital disruption and combat cybercrime. The group will meet quarterly to provide advice and guidance on HSBC’s technology and digital strategy relating to IT infrastructure, digital opportunities, cybersecurity and creative technology.

“I’m honored to join some of the world’s top minds tackling the most pressing challenges faced by the financial services industry,” Singh said. “HSBC is much more than just a client and I am excited to be working together on advanced applications of artificial intelligence that will benefit not only HSBC, but also the entire financial services industry and the global financial system.”

The Technology Advisory board will identify opportunities for HSBC in the following areas:

  • Disruption: The opportunities resulting from digitally-driven changes in customer behavior and enterprise design; new trends in financial technology; and product innovations in new technologies;
  • Cyber: Best practice in using biometrics for secure access to data and systems; developments in digital identity;
  • Infrastructure: Advice on large-scale technology infrastructure transformation and platforms; insight maintaining agility and promoting innovation.

Andy Maguire, HSBC Global COO, who will chair the Technology Advisory Board, said:

“The Technology Advisory Board is key to helping us adopt technology that makes HSBC simpler, better and faster for our 46m customers and 250,000 colleagues across our global network. We have made significant progress in the last couple of years, including more recently becoming the biggest financial services user of biometrics globally, through Touch ID, Voice ID and facial recognition, and through our participation in a first use of blockchain in trade finance.”

“We have also established tech labs in the UK, India and Guangzhou and signed partnerships with leading organizations including the Alan Turing Institute in London and the Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute Company Limited (ASTRI).”

About Ayasdi
Ayasdi helps companies around the world use artificial intelligence to automate business processes formerly thought of as exclusively in the domain of humans, to enable intelligent applications that augment and even surpass human capabilities and to make new discoveries in big data and high dimensional data. Developed by Stanford computational mathematicians, Ayasdi’s unique approach to machine intelligence leverages breakthrough mathematics, highly-automated software and inexpensive, scalable computers to revolutionize the process of converting big data into business impact. We are excited to count many of the Global 500, plus leading governments and research institutions as our clients and partners. To learn more, visit or follow us @ayasdi.

Media Contact:
Todd Stein
Amendola Communications
[email protected]