Enhance financial crime prevention with AI-powered AML software
Despliegue rápidamente para descubrir riesgos, investigar con eficacia y transformar sus operaciones con las soluciones de prevención de delitos financieros de SymphonyAI.
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Global brands trust our AI-enabled AML software solutions
Reinforce your financial crime prevention capabilities with AML software
Resuelva los complejos retos de la delincuencia financiera con mayor eficiencia y eficacia. SymphonyAI permite a su equipo llevar a cabo una diligencia debida con el cliente (DDC) exhaustiva y dinámica para cumplir la normativa sobre conocimiento del cliente (CSC) y prevención del blanqueo de capitales (PBC).
Con soluciones de detección que aprenden, se adaptan y se amplían con usted, la supervisión de transacciones de ALD, el fraude en los pagos y la detección de sanciones nunca han sido tan sencillas, ni tan eficaces.
Resuelva los complejos retos de la delincuencia financiera con mayor eficiencia y eficacia. SymphonyAI permite a su equipo llevar a cabo una diligencia debida con el cliente (DDC) exhaustiva y dinámica para cumplir la normativa sobre conocimiento del cliente (CSC) y prevención del blanqueo de capitales (PBC).
Con soluciones de detección que aprenden, se adaptan y se amplían con usted, la supervisión de transacciones de ALD, el fraude en los pagos y la detección de sanciones nunca han sido tan sencillas, ni tan eficaces.
Your AML software partner in financial crime prevention
Optimice las investigaciones y gestione los riesgos de forma experta combinando tecnología de nivel empresarial y una IA pionera con el apoyo estratégico de SymphonyAI.
EmpezarExperimente un rápido retorno de la inversión en toda su organización
Obtenga una rápida rentabilidad y resultados inmediatos. Las soluciones SaaS de SymphonyAI se despliegan en estructuras organizativas complejas en tan solo 12 semanas.
Escala dinámicamente en función de tus necesidades
Implemente soluciones que aprendan, se adapten y escalen, sin poner en peligro el rendimiento. Las soluciones SaaS de SymphonyAI siguen el ritmo de la evolución de las demandas empresariales.
Integración perfecta en los sistemas existentes
Garantice la compatibilidad con soluciones 100% agnósticas a los datos. Las soluciones SaaS de SymphonyAI se integran en los sistemas existentes, sin importar el formato o el método de transmisión.
Solve challenges with industry-specific AML software and solidify a competitive edge
Transform your business with AML software that features predictive and generative AI for banking, insurance, financial markets, and private banking & wealth management.
Refuerce sus esfuerzos de prevención de delitos financieros con facilidad. Las soluciones bancarias de SymphonyAI detectan delitos financieros para las normativas contra el blanqueo de capitales (AML) y de conocimiento del cliente (KYC), así como para la gestión de listas de vigilancia.
Adáptese eficazmente a la evolución de los requisitos de cumplimiento con nuestra plataforma de detección de delitos financieros líder del mercado, con el apoyo y la orientación de nuestros expertos del sector.

Adelántese a los defraudadores de seguros y proteja a sus clientes. Las soluciones integrales de seguros de SymphonyAI respaldan el cumplimiento y las obligaciones normativas, desde la incorporación de clientes hasta la lucha contra el blanqueo de capitales (AML) y la financiación del terrorismo (CTF).
Supere a sus competidores en un entorno exigente con nuestra IA/ML líder del mercado y nuestros análisis avanzados, con el apoyo y la orientación de nuestros expertos del sector.

Tome decisiones oportunas y bien informadas para adaptarse a los cambios normativos, las amenazas de la competencia y las oportunidades emergentes. Las soluciones para mercados financieros de SymphonyAI mejoran sus capacidades de mitigación de riesgos, al tiempo que reducen costes.
Afronte las complejidades del mercado, proteja su integridad y reduzca la exposición a pérdidas catastróficas con soluciones AML diseñadas para la prevención de delitos financieros.

Maximice la eficacia de las investigaciones con herramientas contra el blanqueo de capitales (AML) basadas en IA y diseñadas para clientes de alto patrimonio y transacciones de gran valor. SymphonyAI ofrece una gama de soluciones de banca privada y gestión de patrimonios.
Las previsiones apuntan a un aumento de los activos gestionados en todo el mundo, así como de los controles y el endurecimiento de las sanciones por incumplimiento. Adelántate a los cambios con nuestras soluciones basadas en IA.

El éxito del cliente es nuestro éxito
Discover the value of AML software from SymphonyAI
Libere todo el potencial de las soluciones de prevención de delitos financieros basadas en IA, con el respaldo de expertos estratégicos.
Financial services FAQs
The team at SymphonyAI is here to answer your questions about financial crime prevention and our solutions. Here are some of the most common.
What does AML software do?
AML software is a specialized technology solution that helps financial institutions comply with anti-money laundering regulations by monitoring transactions, identifying unusual behavior, and reporting suspicious activity to authorities. This software utilizes rule-based systems, AI models, machine learning algorithms, and data analysis techniques to analyze large volumes of transaction data, detect potential fraud, and flag suspicious activities for further investigation, thereby reducing the need for manual intervention.
SymphonyAI financial services stands out as the best AML software by offering AI-powered solutions that rapidly uncover risks, streamline investigations, and transform financial crime prevention operations. With its ability to deploy quickly, seamlessly integrate with existing systems, and dynamically scale to meet evolving business needs, SymphonyAI enables financial institutions to enhance their AML compliance and fraud detection capabilities while realizing rapid return on investment across their organizations.
Increasingly, businesses are utilizing SaaS applications, across all industries, to improve security, processes, and efficiencies that help manage and prevent financial crime. In fact, SaaS adoption is expected to grow by more than $130 billion in 2027 within banking, financial, and insurance services.
Learn more about SymphonyAI’s financial crime prevention solutions.
Clients have reported significant improvements with SymphonyAI AML solutions, such as a 77% reduction in false positives for AML transaction monitoring and millions in annual savings through improved case management and investigative efficiency.
SymphonyAI employs AI-driven AML transaction monitoring to reduce false positives, uncover hidden risks, and enable more efficient investigations, allowing financial institutions to better manage compliance and reduce operational costs.
Protecting against payment fraud is an ongoing process, but thankfully there are many ways for enterprises to mitigate its impact. These include strong authentication measures, using a secure processor, and using modern software that includes payment fraud protection. SymphonyAI’s payment fraud tools deploy predictive analytics and risk factors with machine learning techniques to prevent fraud at the source and stop bad actors.
Learn more about SymphonyAI’s payment fraud software.
Additional measures include integrated risk management solutions, teaching customers and staff how to keep their accounts secure, and limiting access to key information to only those who need it.
Learn more about SymphonyAI’s transaction monitoring software.
The most effective measure to support anti-money laundering (AML) is to put intelligent detection in place—before it’s too late. Powerful AI capabilities arm investigators to better detect and understand entities and risks.
SymphonyAI’s solution deploys quickly and easily, leveraging your existing data to bolster your protection. Our clients have realized 60% fewer false positives, an 81-fold improvement in their risk-alert ratio, and 30% more SAR-worthy risks detected.
Learn more about SymphonyAI’s SensaAI for AML software.
Best practices for AML name screening include using data that is regularly updated, establishing clear policies and procedures, implementing a risk-based approach, and using advanced screening technologies, such as AI and machine learning. SymphonyAI’s AML name screening solution is powered by AI. With extensive flexible list integration, you can remove customer friction points, reduce false positives, and capture genuine risk.
Learn more about SymphonyAI’s name screening software.
Although financial institutions take slightly different approaches, key steps in AML transaction screening begin with the transaction. Then, AML transaction screening software evaluates the payment and decides whether or not it can proceed. If it passes screening, it reaches its destination. If not, an alert is triggered and the transaction is investigated to establish whether it’s a false positive or requires further investigation and possible logging of a Suspicious Activity Request.
Transaction screening is available as part of SymphonyAI’s NetReveal Sanctions Screening, a cloud-native solution that helps financial institutions guard against sanctioned entities or high-risk individuals.
Learn more about SymphonyAI’s NetReveal for sanctions screening solution.
An AML transaction monitoring solution must be both configurable and scalable for it to be effective for a financial institution. As regulations change, financial institutions must also evolve. It’s also important for anti-financial crime teams to create an audit trail of activity to aid in their investigations, and to send to authorities if suspicious transactions are occurring.
Increasingly, it’s become important for AML transaction monitoring solutions to utilize AI. With AI, investigators can be more thorough while increasing productivity. SymphonyAI’s NetReveal Transaction monitoring software uncovers hidden risks, streamlines AML investigations, and dramatically reduces false positives with an AI-led SaaS solution. Our customers realize value quickly and scale with ease—while keeping regulators happy.
Learn more about SymphonyAI’s AML transaction monitoring software.
Financial institutions have to know who they are dealing with via various background checks and processes, broadly known as Know Your Customer (KYC). Using anti-financial crime software, banks and various organizations confirm the identities of individual clients and organizations to ensure they’re not involved or connected to illegal activities.
KYC is used in conjunction with Customer Due Diligence (CDD). SymphonyAI’s solutions support the process of getting to know each customer’s risk by integrating into your AML compliance tech stack for real-time onboarding, event-driven ongoing due diligence, and more.
Learn more about SymphonyAI’s Know Your Customer (KYC) solutions.
Getting in touch with the financial services team to learn more about solutions from SymphonyAI is easy and convenient. You can reach out to us directly on our contact page, where you can fill out a form with your details and inquiries. We are eager to provide you with further information about our comprehensive financial crime prevention solutions and become your trusted partner.