Protect customers with KYC and CDD software

Uncover risk with software for Know Your Customer (KYC) and Customer Due Diligence (CDD)—and seamlessly integrate into your current stack.

kyc know your customer cdd customer due diligence

Uncovering risk for global brands

  • 50%

    Weniger falsch-positive Ergebnisse

  • 30%

    Verringerung der manuellen Überprüfungen

  • 40%

    Schnellere Untersuchungen

Assess risk and remain compliant—regardless of resource limitations

Preventing criminal onboarding is complex, requiring disparate data from internal and external sources to be considered in real-time. SymphonyAI supports investigators with a unified picture of evolving risk—before it becomes problematic.

Enable real-time account opening and risk scoring by eliminating the need for manual processes. SymphonyAI’s solutions create a frictionless user experience.

Onboarding in Echtzeit automatisieren

Outpace regulations and demonstrate compliance with clear and simplified workflows, reporting, and models. SymphonyAI’s solutions evolve with mandates and your risk appetite.

Enable investigators to make concise, confident decisions based on key contextual information. SymphonyAI’s solutions process alerts quickly so no details are overlooked.

Verbesserung der Ermittlungseffizienz

Navigate organizational complexities with a cohesive anti-money laundering strategy. SymphonyAI’s solutions support your business with a single, enterprise-wide deployment.

Coordinate enterprise-wide

Know Your Customer (KYC) and Customer Due Diligence (CDD) Compliance

Rapidly deploy, effortlessly scale, and seamlessly integrate with SymphonyAI’s solutions for financial crime prevention. AI-powered solutions for KYC and CDD compliance expedite investigations by 40% and support investigators.

Solve complex financial crime challenges—while creating frictionless customer experiences. NetReveal Customer Due Diligence is an enterprise-wide solution that enables your team to comply with know your customer (KYC) and anti-money laundering (AML) regulations.

SymphonyAI’s NetReveal Customer Due Diligence solution seamlessly integrates with internal and external data sources to streamline investigations and provide a holistic view of customer risk. Real-time risk assessments enable fully automated onboarding, and with enhanced visibility, investigators can prioritize high-risk alerts.

NetReveal Kunden Due Diligence

Solve complex financial crime challenges—while creating frictionless customer experiences. NetReveal Customer Due Diligence is an enterprise-wide solution that enables your team to comply with know your customer (KYC) and anti-money laundering (AML) regulations.

SymphonyAI’s NetReveal Customer Due Diligence solution seamlessly integrates with internal and external data sources to streamline investigations and provide a holistic view of customer risk. Real-time risk assessments enable fully automated onboarding, and with enhanced visibility, investigators can prioritize high-risk alerts.

NetReveal Kunden Due Diligence

Innovative AI—unmatched, expert support

Utilize our deep domain knowledge to protect your customers

With 25+ years of experience developing market-leading KYC/CDD transaction monitoring products, SymphonyAI is a partner to the world’s largest financial institutions.

Investigate and understand the full customer lifecycle

Easily cover the complete customer lifecycle and integrate your data with a single solution for your entire compliance ecosystem.

Transform your capabilities with predictive and generative AI

Enhance your detection and investigation capabilities with industry-leading predictive and generative AI, and supervised and unsupervised machine learning.

Connect enterprise-wide units and data in KYC/CDD solutions

Tear down the silos that inhibit investigators with complete, scalable know your customer (KYC) and customer due diligence (CDD) solutions for your entire organization.

Kundenerfolg ist unser Erfolg

Sensa Investigation Hub in Aktion bei einer führenden europäischen Bank

Führende europäische Bank spart 3,5 Millionen Euro pro Jahr

A leading bank was looking for a high-scalable case manager to deal with the increasing complexities of global operations and support investigators in efficiently navigating compliance requirements.

SymphonyAI’s Sensa Investigation Hub was chosen for its infrastructure and ability to connect and consolidate risk. With a single, subject-centric view for financial crime investigations, it proved to be an invaluable AI assistant for the bank, improving investigation quality and resulting in approximately 20% of effort savings within the first few weeks of use.


Cecabank transforms efficiency with a fully-integrated solution

Die Cecabank benötigte einen modernen Ansatz zur Verhinderung von Finanzkriminalität, der die Überwachung von Transaktionen, die Prüfung von Sanktionen und die Sorgfaltspflicht gegenüber Kunden miteinander verbindet und den Anforderungen der Banken entspricht.

SymphonyAI drastically cut investigation time and costs and ensured coverage with a fully-integrated system. In partnership, Cecabank entered into a new era of efficiency.

Auszeichnungen der Industrie

End-to-End-Prävention von Finanzkriminalität

Die Macht der vernetzten Detektion

SymphonyAI bietet eine durchgängige Erkennung von Finanzkriminalität, die alle Aspekte der Geldwäschebekämpfung und Betrugsprävention abdeckt.

Marktführend als Einzellösungen, unaufhaltsam als voll integriertes FinCrime-Ökosystem.

Anpassung an das Risiko, wo immer es auftaucht

Erkennen Sie neue Typologien der Finanzkriminalität in allen Risikobereichen mit einer vernetzten Erkennung, die zeigt, woher das Risiko kommt und wie man es bekämpfen kann. Aktualisieren Sie Regeln und KI-Modelle intern, um immer einen Schritt voraus zu sein.

Verbinden. Erkennen. Anpassen.

Verknüpfen Sie fragmentierte Daten und isolierte Teams, um Untersuchungen zu transformieren.

Die Ansicht eines einzelnen Probanden über alle Risikobereiche hinweg ermöglicht den Untersuchern eine schnellere und intelligentere Risikobewertung.

Entdecken Sie den Wert von SymphonyAI

Optimize KYC and ensure CDD compliance with AI-driven financial crime prevention solutions—backed by support from strategic experts.

Los geht's

Related KYC/CDD resources

Data sheet NetReveal AML and Fraud prevention for gaming
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Fallstudie Ein wachsames Auge auf Sanktionen für eine große amerikanische Bank
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Datenblatt Ewiger KYC (pKYC)
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Blog Umstellung auf ein Perpetual KYC (pKYC) Modell - die Vorteile und die Herausforderungen
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Blog What is the 50 percent rule? – FAQ and Everything you need to know
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Case study Absa finds an ally in AI for crime detection, reducing false positives by 77%
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Case study Cecabank partners with SymphonyAI to revolutionize its retail and wholesale banking security
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Data sheet NetReveal Customer Due Diligence
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Blog SymphonyAI announces KYC questionnaire and new identity management capabilities
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Blog The Evolution of KYC: Shaping a Dynamic Customer Risk Profile with Machine Learning
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White paper Why KYC CDD is your bulwark against a thriving underground economy
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The team at SymphonyAI is here to answer your questions about financial crime prevention and our solutions. Here are some of the most common.

SymphonyAI provides AI-powered solutions for KYC and CDD, enabling real-time risk assessments, automated onboarding, and efficient customer risk monitoring.

These solutions reduce false positives by up to 50%, lower manual review requirements by 30%, and accelerate investigations by 40%, giving investigators clearer, faster insights into customer risk.

Banks, insurance companies, financial markets, gaming, and private banking and wealth management can benefit from SymphonyAI’s solutions to stay compliant with AML regulations and efficiently handle high-risk customer management.

By integrating with both internal and external data sources, SymphonyAI provides software that offers a unified view of customer risk, automating onboarding and prioritizing high-risk alerts for immediate attention.

The solution incorporates predictive and generative AI, as well as supervised and unsupervised machine learning, allowing it to adapt dynamically to new risk factors and improve over time.

Clients, including large European banks, have reported millions in annual savings and significant improvements in compliance efficiency through SymphonyAI’s integrated KYC and CDD approach.

SymphonyAI’s AI-powered solutions for financial crime prevention unite the power of enterprise-grade technology with trailblazing AI. With AI, our customers efficiently comply with regulations via integrated name screening, risk scoring, and real-time onboarding. Our AI-powered solution provides a single, dynamic view to detect and manage customer risk. Graphic representations of risk categories and multi-level views of complex corporate structures empower our customers.

Learn more about SymphonyAI’s Customer Due Diligence (CDD) software.